
Thursday 14 November 2024

Summary programme (detailed programme with all speakers available soon)


Welcome coffee


Welcome Note from the CAMI LABEX manager
S. Voros
Official speeches


12 years of CAMI LABEX
S. Voros


Perception in CAMI LABEX
B. Trilling (TIMC/CHUGA)


Video session 1


Industrial pitches


Buffet lunch + demos


T. Salcudean, University of British Columbia


Video session 2


Reasoning in CAMI LABEX
P. Alvarez (INRIA Strasbourg, former CAMI Labex PhD student)
G. Dardenne (LATIM)


Video session 3


Action in CAMI LABEX
S. Abdelaziz (LIRMM)
L. Rubbert (ICube)


Coffee break


Surgical Quality in CAMI LABEX
P. Jannin (LTSI)
N. Padoy (ICube)


Video session 4


Clinical Transfer / Surgical Training in CAMI LABEX 
B. Gayet (ISIR/IMM)


Joint conclusion Labex Managers
J. Troccaz, P. Cinquin, S. Voros



  From 8pm

   Dinner at the Ciel Rooftop of Grenoble restaurant

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